Łapkiewicz Family Archive

collection Łapkiewicz Family Archive
authors Jerzy Łapkiewicz
starring Jan Paweł II
length 02'46
country Poland
year 1983
format S8 mm
color black and white
signature PAFD 0026 010

The author of the film is Jerzy Łapkiewicz, who filmed the events of his family’s life with a Quarz Zoom camera and Super 8 tape, borrowed from a colleague, who bought it in the Foto-Optyka shop.

There are pictures with the image of Pope John Paul II and the Virgin Mary in decorative frames, lying on a makeshift stall – a blanket on the ground. A crowd walking down the street. The faithful stand on both sides of the street. There are black off-road vehicles with papal bodyguards, black limousines and popemobiles of John Paul II. A close-up of the pope greeting the people waving to him. The papal train of cars is closed by security in black off-road vehicles and a militia Fiat 125p. A close-up of the flowers lying on the street thrown by the faithful during the pope’s passage. A kneeling crowd during the Holy Mass celebrated by John Paul II in Cracow’s Błonia Park on June 22, 1983. Standing people with raised hands in a gesture of victory. A short shot of the church of St. Maximilian Maria Kolbe in Cracow’s Mistrzejowice district with the papal field altar placed in front of it. 



keywords Poland  Cracow  Błonia  Mistrzejowice  pilgrimage  pope  John Paul II  Karol Wojtyła  militia  Fiat 125p  car  popemobile  the faithful  crowd 
source of funding Polish Film Institute