Hassa Family Archive

collection Hassa Family Archive
authors Zbigniew Hassa
starring Irena Hassa; Joanna Hassa; Katarzyna Hassa
length 03'18
country Poland
locations Warsaw, Poland 
year 1987
format 8 mm
color color
signature PAFD 0000 004

The author of the film is Zbigniew Hassa. Since the age of 14, he had worked as an electrician in Warsaw Trams (then MZK). When his daughters, Joanna and Katarzyna, were born, he decided to start filming events from the life of the family. 

The film was made during the third pilgrimage of Pope John Paul II to Poland. Open-air shots. Irena Hassa helps her daughter Kasia to climb a platform. Next to them, there is the second daughter, Joasia. Palace of Culture and Science in Warsaw. A large scaffolding was set up near the Palace, on which a large altar is erected. We can see a large white cross. A helicopter flies by. Heads of gathered people. People watch a helicopter fly by. Some have climbed a tree. Children sit on their parents’ shoulders. Crowds on both sides of the street. There are black limousines and officers on motorcycles. A crowd of people near the Palace of Culture and Science. Next to it, we can see the altar and a group of church dignitaries. Joasia walks down the street towards the camera in a checked dress. Joasia in the crowd of people. We can see that she stands near the Rotunda building at ul. Marszałkowska in Warsaw. Nearby, we can see the Palace of Culture and Science. A shot of Pope John Paul II riding in a popemobile. In a blessing gesture, his hands are raised high. People wave. The girls, holding hands, walk with the crowd. 



keywords Poland  Warsaw  pilgrimage  pope  John Paul II  Karol Wojtyła  Palace of Culture and Science in Warsaw  altar  helicopter  crowd  faithful  Rotunda in Warsaw  popemobile  clergy 
source of funding Ministry of Culture and National Heritage