Lissowscy Family Archive

collection Lissowscy Family Archive
authors prawdopodobnie Jan Lissowski
length 09'54
country Germany; Poland
locations Zegrzyński Reservoir, Poland 
year 1959
format 16 mm
color black and white
signature PAFD 0002 004

The producer’s board indicates that the material was most likely created in 1940–1944. German educational and nature film. A board with the inscription “Junge Bären im Zoologischen Garten”. Zoo. Brown bear with three cubs in their enclosure. The bear cubs climb a bough, hang on it, dig holes in the ground, roll, cuddle up to their mother. The film ends with a long sequence of all three sucking on the mother’s nipples.The board “RWU. Reichsanstalt für Film und Bild in Wissenschaft und Unterricht”. The second part of the film, or rather the second separate film from the same tape, shows the communication troops practice assembling and using a field radio. Around 1958–1959, Jan Lissowski was at a training at the School of Communication Officers in Zegrze Północne. Presumably, the film was made there.


keywords RWU  German archives  zoo  enclosure  brown bears  feeding  army  military unit  soldiers  communications  military training  radio station  mast 
source of funding Ministry of Culture and National Heritage