Matuszni Family Archive

collection Matuszni Family Archive
authors Antoni Matuszny
starring Bernadeta Brączyk; Teresa Brączyk; Antoni Matuszny; Ludwik Matuszny; Paulina Matuszna
length 05'03
country Poland, Laliki
locations Laliki, Poland 
year 1981
format 8 mm
color black and white
signature PAFD 0015 004

Antoni Matuszny, who came from the Beskid village of Laliki, was interested in photography since he was a child. As he recalls, he wanted to save the life of his family and the countryside in the 1970s from oblivion. At the age of thirteen, he bought the first camera, and when he was 24 – the camera of the Soviet Quarz 5.

Film shot on the farm belonging to Antoni’s parents, Ludwik and Paulina Matuszny, in Laliki in the Kubaszczyki hamlet in the winter of 1981. Ludwik and his son are taking manure to the field to prepare it for potatoes planting in the spring. The men are accompanied by Ludwik’s granddaughter Bernadka, who is riding with her grandfather on a sleigh and is playing in the snow before loading the manure. Teresa, Antoni’s sister’s daughter, is walking to school along a snowy path. A shot of the sunset filmed from Antony’s room in the attic of the family home. Paulina, daughter of Antoni and Elżbieta, is sitting on the carpet in the room. 

(KN, AT) 


keywords Poland  Laliki  village  farm  work  horse  animals  field  mountains  sledge  manure  winter  sunset  child 
source of funding Ministry of Culture and National Heritage