Matuszni Family Archive

collection Matuszni Family Archive
authors Antoni Matuszny
starring Jakub Gazur; Franciszek Tobola
length 03'45
country Poland
locations Koniaków, Poland 
year 1975
format 8 mm
color black and white
signature PAFD 0015 025

Antoni Matuszny, who came from the Beskid village of Laliki, was interested in photography since he was a child. As he recalls, he wanted to save the life of his family and the countryside in the 1970s from oblivion. At the age of thirteen, he bought the first camera, and when he was 24 – the camera of the Soviet Quarz 5.

Film shot on 31 March 1975. A solemn first mass procession of the priest Jakub Gazur goes through Koniaków. The ceremony is attended by the then parish priest, Monsignor Franciszek Tobola, the young priest’s parents and siblings, as well as invited guests and residents of the surrounding villages. Some people are wearing the traditional costumes of the highlanders of Żywiec, and some are also carrying instruments. 

(KN, AT)


keywords Poland  Koniaków  village  primogeniture  priest  priestly  procession 
source of funding Ministry of Culture and National Heritage