Łapkiewicz Family Archive

collection Łapkiewicz Family Archive
authors Jerzy Łapkiewicz
length 02'52
country Poland
year 1983
format S8 mm
color black and white
signature PAFD 0026 001

The author of the film is Jerzy Łapkiewicz, who filmed the events of his family’s life with a Quarz Zoom camera and Super 8 tape, borrowed from a colleague, who bought it in the Foto-Optyka shop. 

The film was made during the second pilgrimage of Pope John Paul II to Poland. The papal visit to Niepokalanów on June 18, 1983. Jerzy Łapkiewicz came on a pilgrimage with his mother, Sławka, and his wife, Maria, by bus with other believers from Toruń. 

A shot of a flying papal helicopter, the heads of the assembled people, the waving crowd. Close-ups of the altar, visible between flags, banners and heads of the faithful. Two large white cars pass between people standing on both sides of the street. Children sit on their parents’ shoulders, one of the boys looks through binoculars. A close-up of the banner with the inscription “Krosino. Diocese of Koszalin and Kołobrzeg”. Shots of the gathered crowd. 




keywords Poland  Niepokalanów  pilgrimage  pope  John Paul II  Karol Wojtyła  helicopter  flags  banners  the faithful  crowd  altar 
source of funding Polish Film Institute