Jastrzębscy Family Archive

collection Jastrzębscy Family Archive
authors Andrzej Jastrzębski
starring Ewa Jastrzębska, Diana Jastrzębska, Marianna Jastrzębska, Sabina Jastrzębska
length 07'35
country Poland
locations Warsaw, Poland 
year 1984
format S8 mm
color black and white
signature PAFD 0029 004

The author of the film is Andrzej Jastrzębski – a jazz tuba player, photography and old car enthusiast – who immortalized family memories using a Zenit camera and an 8 mm camera. 

The author of the film is Andrzej Jastrzębski – a jazz tuba player, photography and old cars enthusiast. He mainly immortalized family memories, using a Zenit camera and an 8 mm camera. Years later, the family mementos also serve as miniatures of life in 1980s Warsaw.

Filmed in 1982 and 1983. 

Part 1 

Andrzej and Ewa’s daughters are collectinaryg elderberries in buckets. As the filmmaker’s daughter Diana recalls, Andrzej later used the harvested fruit to make wine and syrup. 

Part 2

The family is spending time at a playground in front of a block of flats in Warsaw’s Stegny district. 

Part 3 

The film was made in winter 1983. The sisters are sledding down a hill and playing in the snow. Panorama from the balcony of the Jastrzębski family over blocks of flats and the housing estate club. The family is having a walk in the park in Powsin.



keywords Poland  Warsaw  family  family life  holidays  summer  cherries  orchard  winter  sledges  sledging  hill  block of flats  housing estate 
source of funding Ministry of Culture and National Heritage