Jastrzębscy Family Archive

collection Jastrzębscy Family Archive
authors Andrzej Jastrzębski
starring Ewa Jastrzębska, Diana Jastrzębska, Marianna Jastrzębska, Sabina Jastrzębska
length 02'36
country Poland
year 1985
format 8 mm
color color
signature PAFD 0029 020

The author of the film is Andrzej Jastrzębski – a jazz tuba player, photography and old car enthusiast – who immortalized family memories using a Zenit camera and an 8 mm camera. 

The film was recorded during a vacation, on which family went by a caravan in 1985. The author’s daughters, Diana, Marianna and Sabina, present to the camera a giant puffball that the family found in a field. The girls, together with their mother, cut a mushroom by the caravan and show it to the camera. As Diana recalls, the puffball was later fried and eaten.



keywords Poland  holidays  summer  leisure  family  family life  camping  caravan  puffball  mushroom  field 
source of funding Ministry of Culture and National Heritage