Wiktorowscy Family Archive

collection Wiktorowscy Family Archive
authors Roman Wiktorowski; Wojciech Wiktorowski
starring Ewa Błaszczyk; Jerzy Błaszczyk; Irena Wiktorowska; Roman Wiktorowski
length 0:06:35
country Poland
locations Warsaw, Poland 
year 1960–1970
format 8 mm
color black and white
signature PAFD 0041 007

Wojciech Wiktorowski was born in Warsaw in 1954 and has been interested in cinematography since his teenage years. Professionally, he worked, among other things, as a journalist at Polish Television and a contributor to the magazine Ekspres Reporterów, and was the author of many reports and documentaries devoted to protecting people from toxic factors in the environment and in social life. In addition to film, Wojciech’s great passion was crime novels. He realized his love for this genre as the author of the Ewa Calls 007 series: the books On the Edge of the Low Pressure Area (1985) and Milk Action (1986), as well as The Ghosts of Chernobyl (2011). 

The author of some of the films is also Wojciech’s father, Roman Wiktorowski, who worked as a surgeon in Morocco since 1965. 

An account of the wedding of Wojciech’s sister, Ewa, to her now ex-husband Jerzy Błaszczyk. The newlyweds take part in the ceremony in the wedding hall, and afterwards receive wishes from family and friends. After the official part, Ewa with Jerzy and invited guests go to celebrate at an apartment in Saska Kępa. According to family legends, more than fifty people attended the wedding in the 47-square-meter apartment. Despite the small size, all of Ewa and Jerzy’s friends and acquaintances danced rock and roll (this was the music with which the young couple met), and Irena (Ewa’s mother), while watering the kabanos sausages generously with vodka, inadvertently lit a small bonfire in the living room. 


keywords wedding  wedding  registry office  civil wedding  officiant  vodka  alcohol  party  dance  apartment  bride and groom  bride  family  family life 
source of funding Polish Film Institute