Milewscy Family Archive

collection Milewscy Family Archive
authors Antoni Milewski
starring Milena Milewska; Teresa Milewska
length 0:02:32
country Poland
locations Borków, Poland 
year 1978
format 8 mm
color black and white
signature PAFD 0046 007 v2

The author of the film is Antoni Milewski, who filmed the family-life events with a quarz zoom camera, bought in a Kielce photoshop. 

The first part of the film made at the stud farm in Borków near Kielce in 1978. Milena (Teresa and Antoni’s daughter) plays with a small black kitten. A few people practice horse riding on the paddock and Marcin (Teresa’s nephew) plays football with his friends in the forest at the stud. Teresa with her children, her father (Józef) and friends walk in the forest. Marcin says something to Antoni, who films him. 

keywords stud farm  paddock  horse  horse riding  cat  forest  football  walk  fun  family  leisure  child  childhood 
source of funding Polish Film Institute