Morzyszek Family Archive

collection Morzyszek Family Archive
authors Paweł Morzyszek
length 09'24
country Poland
locations Piotrków Trybunalski, Poland 
year 1968
format 8 mm
color color
signature PAFD 0047 003

This collection of films was recorded by a married couple, Paweł and Joanna Morzyszek. Amateur films shot on 8 mm and Super 8 film reels document family life: celebrations, holidays, vacations, and travels. The archive covers materials from a 20-year period, from 1968 to 1988, which allow us to follow the growing up of Paweł and Joanna’s children – Ewa and Tomek – and their granddaughters – Agata and Anna.
Part 1
Title card: ‘H.S.O. «Kara», Shutting down furnace no. 3, 1968, October 27.’ A sequence of frames shows the facade of a modernist building and industrial interiors. Later, the camera observes clouds of smoke rising from a large furnace and people watching the shutdown process. In further frames, we see the interior and surroundings of the smelter: heated furnaces, pipes carrying hot gases, and modernist office buildings.
Part 2
Title card: ‘H.S.O. «Kara», Gas generators of glass melting tank no. 2, 1968.’ The camera observes industrial buildings and workers operating gas generators.


keywords workers  coal  smelter  furnace 
source of funding Polish Film Institute