Morzyszek Family Archive

collection Morzyszek Family Archive
authors Paweł Morzyszek
starring Ewa Morzyszek; Joanna Morzyszek; Paweł Morzyszek
length 06'49
country Serbia
locations Gamzigrad, Serbia 
year 1969
format 8 mm
color color; black and white
signature PAFD 0047 005

This collection of films was recorded by a married couple, Paweł and Joanna Morzyszek. Amateur films shot on 8 mm and Super 8 film reels document family life: celebrations, holidays, vacations, and travels. The archive covers materials from a 20-year period, from 1968 to 1988, which allow us to follow the growing up of Paweł and Joanna’s children – Ewa and Tomek – and their granddaughters – Agata and Anna.
Part 1
A young woman, presumably Ewa Morzyszek, is applying suntan oil on the beach.
Part 2
Double-exposed film: mountainous landscape overlaid with shots showing two mature people, a woman and a man, and later a boy presenting a television set.
Part 3
Double-exposed film: winter city landscape overlaid with shots showing two women and a man relaxing at a table on a warm, sunny day.
Part 4
Joanna and Paweł Morzyszek pose with a Trabant car on an elevation with a panoramic view of the city behind them. Later, the camera captures snapshots from their walk, views of Roman ruins in Gamzigrad near Zaječar, and mountainous landscape.


keywords mountains  ruins  beach  Trabant  winter  television set 
source of funding Polish Film Institute