Morzyszek Family Archive

collection Morzyszek Family Archive
authors Paweł Morzyszek
starring Ewa Morzyszek; Joanna Morzyszek; Tomasz Morzyszek
length 09'37
country Bulgaria
locations Saints Constantine and Helena, Bulgaria 
year 1972
format 8 mm
color color
signature PAFD 0047 016

This collection of films was recorded by a married couple, Paweł and Joanna Morzyszek. Amateur films shot on 8 mm and Super 8 film reels document family life: celebrations, holidays, vacations, and travels. The archive covers materials from a 20-year period, from 1968 to 1988, which allow us to follow the growing up of Paweł and Joanna’s children – Ewa and Tomek – and their granddaughters – Agata and Anna.
Part 1
Joanna Morzyszek and her two children – Ewa and Tomek – are strolling around the Polski Dom hotel in Druzhba (now Saints Constantine and Helena). The woman points to a small fountain covered with grapevines and examines fruit trees and flowers. Then, she poses with the teenage boy in front of a small equestrian statue.
Part 2
Beach scenes. Joanna and Ewa are sunbathing by the sea, with children swimming in the background. Joanna puts on a swimming cap and goes into the water for a swim. After a while, she returns to the others on the beach. The camera observes teenagers playing in the water.
Part 3
A series of shots of the Polish Holiday Resort (Polski Dom Wypoczynkowy). The camera documents the facade and the garden in front of the facility. Ewa poses against this backdrop.

(WO)holidays; leisure; family; teenage boy; teenage girl; garden; sea; beach

keywords holidays  leisure  family  teenage boy  teenage girl  garden  sea  beach 
source of funding Polish Film Institute