Litwin Family Archive

collection Litwin Family Archive
authors Jan Antoni Litwin; Laura Litwin
starring Laura Litwin
length 03'25
country Poland
locations Jarocin, Poland  Środa Wielkopolska, Poland 
year 1982-1989
format S8 mm
color color
signature PAFD 0050 002

Jan Antoni Litwin was born in Brzeg in 1956. After graduating with a degree in economics and completing his military service, he worked at Zakłady Elektrotechniki Motoryzacyjnej (a plant manufacturing electrical equipment for the automotive industry) in Ełk, and later as an English teacher. He bought a Soviet-made LOMO 215 camera from a photo store after the birth of his first son. Some shots were taken by Jan’s wife, Laura Litwin.
Part 1
Film shot in Środa Wielkopolska. Family members are leaving the house of Laura’s sister, Grażyna, and talking by the parked cars.
Part 2
Sebastian, Laura and Jan’s older son, is playing with his cousin Marta in front of an apartment building in Jarocin. Laura, Albina (Laura’s mother) and Krzysztof (Laura’s brother) join Albina’s siblings who are waiting outside. The whole family walks together to the allotment garden.
Part 3
Laura, Sebastian and Maria (Laura’s grandmother) are talking and playing with a dog in the garden in front of Maria’s house in Jarocin.

keywords house  car  child  play  dog  apartment building  family  family life  garden  allotment garden 
source of funding Polish Film Institute