Hassa Family Archive

collection Hassa Family Archive
authors Zbigniew Hassa
starring Irena Hassa; Zbigniew Hassa; Katarzyna Hassa
length 05'08
country Poland
locations Rabka-Zdrój, Poland 
year 1987
format 8 mm
color black and white
signature PAFD 0000 008

The author of the film is Zbigniew Hassa. Since the age of 14, he had worked as an electrician in Warsaw Trams (then MZK). When his daughters, Joanna and Katarzyna, were born, he decided to start filming events from the life of the family. 

A film made during one of Kasia Hassa’s trips to the sanctuary in Rabka. She was accompanied by her mother, Irena. Open-air shots. Irena and Kasia walk along the sidewalk. They pass the historic church in Rabka (Władysław Orkan’s Museum). Later, we can see them walking in the company of a woman with a boy. They approach the gate of the house. A dark shot. Not visible. A street shot in front of the “Gazda” department store. Kasia rocks in a horse-drawn carriage (a device into which coins are thrown). Next to it, there is Irena. Behind them, on the glass door, we can see the name of the store “D.H. Gazda”. A scene on a platform at the railway station. Kasia says goodbye to Zbigniew, who gets into the train car. Scenes from a playground. Irena and Kasia sit on swings. Kasia rolls on a bar. Kasia rides a bicycle. Then, together with another girl, they climb inside a large model of the globe (a device for children on the playground). Scenes from the amusement park. Kasia spins on a carousel with planes, drives a toy car, sits in a rotating capsule with the inscription “Apollo”, goes up and down in a helicopter. 


keywords Poland  Rabka-Zdrój  Stanisław Orkan’s museum in Rabka  church  walk  toy  department store  train  platform  train car  farewell  traveller  playground  swing  ladders  bicycle  amusement park  carousel 
source of funding Ministry of Culture and National Heritage