Janczur Family Archive

collection Janczur Family Archive
authors Zbigniew Janczur; Wanda Janczur
length 04'19
country USA
year 1976
format 8 mm
color color
signature PAFD 0009 004

The film was shot during Operation Sail in New York in 1976. The international rally of sailing ships graced the celebration of the 200th anniversary of the independence of the USA. It was attended by 16 tall ships from around the world, among others, a very characteristic AV Amerigo Vespucci, as well as Polish Dar Pomorza and over 100 smaller sailing yachts. The film shows their parade. Tall ships majestically sail surrounded by smaller ships, yachts and motor boats. An airship hovers over the water, and from the port coast the event is watched by New Yorkers and tourists.




keywords USA  United States  independence  anniversaries  tall ships  sailing ship parade  Operation Sail 1976  200th anniversary of US independence  airship  New York  NYC  city  metropolis  AV Amerigo Vespucci  Dar Pomorza  Operation Sail 
source of funding Ministry of Culture and National Heritage