Jastrzębscy Family Archive

collection Jastrzębscy Family Archive
authors Andrzej Jastrzębski
starring Ewa Jastrzębska, Diana Jastrzębska, Lech Jastrzębski, Marianna Jastrzębska, Sabina Jastrzębska
length 05'15
country Poland
locations Warsaw, Poland 
year 1989
format 8 mm
color color
signature PAFD 0029 027

The author of the film is Andrzej Jastrzębski – a jazz tuba player, photography and old car enthusiast – who immortalized family memories using a Zenit camera and an 8 mm camera. 

Part 1

Film recorded during the 1989 elections. Andrzej’s wife, Ewa, leaves the estate block. Solidarity election stickers are glued to the pram in which a little boy is sitting. A woman walks with her children around the estate; flags and electoral materials can also be seen in the hands of the neighbors gathered in the yard. The Jastrzębski family, together with other residents of the estate, enter the school where the voting takes place. As the daughter of the author of the film, Diana, recalls, before the elections Andrzej was involved in putting posters up, encouraging people to vote.

Part 2

Footage from a ferry trip to Norway in 1989. After reaching the place, Andrzej and his eldest daughter Sabina visit the city.

Part 3

Sabina sits in front of the family’s Volkswagen T2 parked in the clearing.



keywords Poland  Norway  Warsaw  Solidarity  elections  voting  election materials  stroller  child  housing estate  blocks  ship  cruise  artist  street art  sightseeing  journey  car 
source of funding Ministry of Culture and National Heritage